HandWritten on; 2:57 AM
Wooo... finally i have time to update again.
No longer in law firm, noe im working 12 hours a day, standing... and can get the opportunity to see Stefanie Sun smiling at me everyday. Cool, the pay is real good, and time flies fast. At the end of the day, i find myself being motivated and the feeling wen im in redcross is back.
But things started to go out of the way last Friday. Something is missing and im responsible for it. Yes, i admit, i'll and should bear the full responsibility. But tears cant stop falling to my cheek. Its not a small amount of $$... I dare not and cant tell this to my bf... I can imagaine how mad he'll be. Well, i have to work 1 more month to have money for myself again.
But something makes me feel worst, is tht, people started to pin-point, and suspect i've stolen it. But it is something i dun need, and wont want to have it. They see me as being comlicated person, that i wont sell it in the market n get the money. I hate all this. But i really cant lost the job.
Im innocent! Please... please see the viedo asap and give me back my clear name. And for the bitch who had cause me into the trouble, i really curse you from the bottom of my heart.
Anyway, the missing item is a man's wedding band. Size 20. So the bitch will eventually gives it to her bf. I curse you. Cuz wedding band is something eternity for love's special moment.
Wadever it is, i really dun wan lost the job =( *pray hard...